

在美国的华人圈里,最近有两个话题备受关注,一个是特朗普强力推行的“抗疫特赦令”,另外一个就是辉瑞疫苗。 很多海外侨胞,尤其是美籍华侨都在打问,何时能打到疫苗呢?目前,美国的疫苗接种进度到底怎样了? 目前,受疫苗供应不足和分发管理工作不到位的影响,美国的接种速度远远落后于之前的预想,在1月20日拜登就任总统时,白宫原本预计将在9月底完成所有全美人口中的70%接种疫苗,但在目前的接种速度下,恐怕要大幅延迟到明年年初甚至更晚才能实现。




Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine (BNT162b1) is the first mRNA vaccine to be approved by a regulatory body outside of China. In this case, the European Medicines Agency. We are in Phase 3 studies for safety and efficacy as well as long term follow ups on the BNT162b1 vaccines that were manufactured at Pfizer's facility using an established manufacturing process.

In order to address safety concerns from other countries about vaccine production we have developed risk mitigation strategies around key elements of our manufacturing pipeline with oversight from independent experts across all areas of operation, including quality management system assurance and product tracking systems. With over $8 billion being invested into these activities so far it would appear those measures will pay off if they haven’t already. You can check out some of my prior work here on the topic

For example there has been one reported adverse event where someone experienced acute allergic reactions after receiving the second dose. The reaction was managed appropriately but further investigation uncovered something called polyethylene glycol (PEG) allergy that might play a role. PEG allergies are common. One study found nearly half of Americans who had taken medicines containing Polyethylene Glycol reported side effects such as stomach pain, diarrhea or nausea. It turns out though when used in pharmaceutical compositions like the covid shots there appears to be no significant problem associated because of how the PEG molecules are protected inside the composition.

The CDC states “There is currently no evidence that suggests that vaccines contain harmful substances, and available data demonstrate their safety”
